Our Seasoned Minds
Solve Business Problems
We are a Group of Retired & Semi Retired International Business People. A Think Tank to Solve Business Problems.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide business people with the expert help of seasoned professionals who have many years of hands on experience.

We are a large group of mostly retired and semiretired international business people from all categories of business backgrounds. We help business executives solve any business problem.

Our Goal

Our goal is to use our extensive knowledge to help you solve a specific business problem that might seem insurmountable.

These problems can usually be solved with clear, detached thinking. Helping others get past a barrier in their business also gives us purpose and an opportunity to use skills and experience that should never be shelved.


  • CLIENT Seasonedminds
  • YEAR 2017
  • WE DID HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Wordpress, Forum, Mailchimp