Abrasion Tester

Abrasion Tester LB-10AAT

Abrasion Tester LB-10AAT

Abrasion tester LB-10AAT is an automated wearing and abrasion testing unit. It is accessible to mobile phones, PDA, MP3 players and portable computers. The precision transmission access ensures smooth functioning of the unit. Test fixtures are carried out using alcohol as a standard medium of testing.

Front counter 0 ~ 99999999 times
Back counter 0 ~ 60 times
Friction range 1 mm ~ 60 mm
Test medium Alcohol, rubber, pencil
Dimensions 630 × 450 × 370 mm
Weight 21 kgs
  • Digital LCD screen for visual monitoring of data
  • Hardness scratches test fixture
  • Eraser test fixture
  • Adjustable counter and friction range
  • Anti-corrosive stainless steel structure

Used for testing the wearing and abrasive abilities of various products in chemical, plastics, petrochemical, paints, lubricants and other automotive equipment manufacturing industries.

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