Telemicroscopy Starter Package

Manual Whole Slide Imaging

Save time. Save money. Share slides.

Your immediately available,
affordable and easy-to-implement
telepathology solution.

Bridge distances and keep working from anywhere.

Save time without taking any risk.

Scan and Share Whole Slide Images


Step 1

Upgrade your microscope with a camera and the Microvisioneer manualWSI software to a manual scanner.


Step 2

Create zoomable Whole Slide Images at the desired magnification.


Step 3

Share virtual slides within seconds with anyone via the internet with the Microvisioneer InstaSlide software.


Time Saving

Camera and software are immediately available. 

Slide sharing is possible wihtin seconds, even with a slow internet connection.


No expensive hardware is required.

After 6 months, no further costs occur if the system is not needed anymore.

Easy Implementation and Usage

Easy camera and software installation. Intuitive and user friendly software.

Microvisioneer experts provide support whenever necessary. 

Telemicroscopy Starter Package

  • 6 months starter package

  • purchase additional months depending on your needs

Package Content

  • For upgrade of microscopes with a trinocular head.

    • Microvisioneer manualWSI Scanning Software (does not include fluorescence scanning)

    • Microvisioneer InstaSlide Scan Sharing Software

    • Camera suitable for manual scanning

    • Camera adapter

    • Guaranteed shipping within 2-3 business days

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